Saturday, January 1, 2011

Book Review! Fly Girl by Sherri L. Smith

My first official review! Okay, well I recently picked up this book from the public library. I hadn't actually planned on reading it, and it sat in my pile for quite a few weeks. I forgot about it until one rainy day, when I had finished all of my other books and saw it sitting on my shelf. I started it, and absolutely could not put it down!
Plot: The book is about a young woman, Ida Mae, during WWII. She wants desperately to become a pilot after her father passes away, but seeing that she is African American, her dreams are put on hold until one day when her brother brings her home an article from the newspaper. The article informs Ida Mae about a new program in the military called WASP (Women Airforce Service Program) that trains women to fly planes in the armed forces. Her skin is fairly light, due to her mixed heritage, and she decides to take a huge risk by 'passing' as a white woman and signing up for the program. The book details her courage,the challenges of overcoming her obstacles, and basically her journey to fitting in in 'a white man's army'.

This book was truly a wonderful read. You really get to know Ida Mae,to feel for her,to care about her, and root for her throughout the novel.She has courage spunk, and a whole lot of heart, and while Ida Mae is fictional, she sheds a great light on all of the women in the military in WWII. All of the characters are very well developed and the plot keeps moving and never gets boring.  While it was somewhat long, this novel is definitley a great book to pick up.

Final Thoughts: 8 1/2 out of ten stars. Interested in historical fiction? Then this is a definite pick for you.

Hope you liked this!
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Love, Nila

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